Saturday, November 27, 2010

What’s The Problem with Organized Religion?

            As the world spirals toward a bleak and uncertain future, it is increasingly becoming more and more imperative for those who make up the human family to seriously analyze the world we live in and the religious traditions we agree to live under in our respective lands. We must decide for ourselves whether or not they are beneficial to world unity or dangerous to mankind. It is time for some soul searching. Our inability to come to grips with the true nature of religion no doubt puts society as we know it in a precarious situation. Now is the time when we must learn to set all prejudices aside, and begin the process of examining the barriers that continue to prevent us from living up to our true potential if we are to ever attain the lasting peace we all long for. 

           This will not be easy for many when considering that some traditions have been firmly in place for several thousand years. On top of that most indoctrinated into organized religions have had it continuously ingrained into their heads since small children by their spiritual leaders that to merely question their faith is a sin. The aim is to discourage inquiry. Sometimes questioning accepted doctrines can result in the complete banishment of the inquisitor.

 It is quite astonishing to think that even in our modern society were science is advancing at break neck speed, shattering many centuries old superstitions in the process, religion somehow manages to maintain its vice like grip on the minds of many. Daily news reports continue to show that as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, divisions between races and global conflicts between nations are on the rise instead of on the mend as one might expect. Watch a little television and you will discover there is no shortage of “Doom and Gloom” Pastors and so called Prophets happily predicting and in some cases eagerly awaiting mankind's demise in the near future. Is it possible these poisonous thought processes have the potential to equate to a self fulfilling prophecy?

             Is it not disturbing that we find so many people are extremely pessimistic about the future? Could it be that the “us versus them” dynamic spelled out among organized religion has dulled the hopes of mankind?  Many wonder if civilization can survive without the moral principals of the religious system. But is man really dependent on an agreed upon set of rules spelled out by religious traditions in order to behave ourselves and protect ourselves from each other? Or can it be said that what we define as morality is an innate quality already built into the gene of the human species? 

           There are those who see religion as a gift from God. One cannot deny that religious institutions have done some good, but how much longer can we ignore the evils it has done in Gods name? People point to religion as a force for good by an overwhelming margin all over the world. But with the growing severity of the clashes between religion I wonder if its time we asked ourselves if the positive aspects of organized religion out weigh the negative? What do you think?

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