Friday, January 28, 2011

Weird plant roots shaped as human couple!

A plant known as a Chinese Fleece Flower has shocked the world this week when some unusual roots were discovered in the shape of a human couple. The roots even show what seem to be breast on the woman and genetailia on the man. How exactly this came to be seems to be an absolute mystery.

The foot-long root of the Chinese Fleece flower was first discovered by a man who goes by the name Fan. He spotted the unusual  roots while in a vegetable stall in a town in China’s eastern Shandong province. Fan was so awe struck by the human-shaped roots he had to have them. He ended up paying 600 yuan, equivalent to over £40, to purchase it. vegetable stall in a small town in eastern Shandong, China. He is now displaying the miraculous naked veggie couple at his home in order to attract curious tourists from thousands of miles away

The Chinese Fleece flower is a popular dietary supplement in Asia, as it is a firm belief that its boiled extract helps curb cholesterol and fight heart disease. It is also sold as a dietary food to aid in controlling obesity. One has to wonder what kind of benefits this plant can add to human kind. Perhaps this plant is in the shape of humans for a reason. I am very curious about this one. I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. Es asombroso como la naturaleza nos afirma lo importante que es la pareja como hombre y mujer no otro tipo de conbinacion.


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