Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolution: Appreciate life!!!

               I know I have been away for a few months. I have been going through a little personal business. The end result is I have sole custody of my two children. Thank god! My beautiful daughter Daeshana'e will be turning twelve on January 1st. I always tell her the whole world is celebrating with you. I cannot believe how fast she is growing up. When she was born, way back in the '99, (Yeah, wow!) she was one of two. Twins. Born almost 4 months premature, my son and daughter weighed less than one and a half pounds a piece at birth. Unfortunately, my son didn't make it. He passed on five days into his life.

            My daughter however was a fighter. That combined with the miracle of modern day science, and round the clock treatment by a small army of doctors and nurses, she has survived to this day with little to no side affects. Recently I saw a show on preemies on television. A kid weighing 3 pounds at birth was being labeled a miracle baby. I laughed and thought to myself, that baby was like three of my daughter combined! My daughter Daesha really is my miracle, and I thank god everyday for her being here. 

          My son was born totally fit and healthy. Most people say he is my mini-me. He is amazing because he is just so advanced for his age. He is so active. He taught himself how to skate, skateboard and ride bikes. He climbs and jumps off things fearlessly. He will be seven this year. I sometimes worry because I see a little too much of my attitude and temper growing in him, but I guess like father like son.

         I guess my primary goal is to raise my kids to be leaders and not followers of trends and peers. I think I have been doing alright up until this point. I know as they grow I am sure to have some issues, so I am just cherishing this time I have with them. They still look at me with awe. I can see the complete innocence in their eyes. One day I will look back and wish for these days, so for now I will appreciate them every minute of everyday.

Now that that is all said and done I am back and ready to continue blogging consistently for the next year. Subscribe to my blog and receive discounts on all Simply tasteful products and services.

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