Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Palin brand continues to grow. Next stop, White House?

            These days, it seems as if Sarah Palin is everywhere. From speaking engagements, book tours, a new reality show, and daughter Bristol's recent appearance as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars; the mama grizzly has been eating quite well as of late. Surprisingly, as her popularity continues to rise, polls consistently show her with dismal favorable ratings, although recently, with her constant television appearances, it has started to rise. There can be no mistake, there are many who still see her as a legitimate presidential candidate despite her less than stellar grasp of the issues.

            Ever since the infamous Katie Couric interview, handlers have steered her clear of any serious interviews; instead opting for uncontested forums like Fox News, where she can safely cling to her talking points without opposition, after failing miserably when asked by Couric the question "What do you like to read?". With all the bad press that ensued, her handlers wisely shut down all unscripted interviews from then on. To defend her critics who rightly question the wisdom of electing an unqualified politician, Palin has branded them the "Lame stream media". Now with no one to question her intentions or motives, no one knows what she stands for. All I hear her saying is "We want our country back!" over and over again, but what does that really mean? She owes it to us to explain. She can say she wants smaller government, but then wouldn't she have to be able to explain what that means? What programs would she cut?

           There are many who see her as simply all style and no substance. I think this would be underestimating her. She is a very intelligent woman, beautiful and charismatic, we should all be able to agree, regardless to our feelings toward her rhetoric. This woman is using the star power she gained by  John Mccain's failed presidential bid to the fullest. She has become a celebrity! Wasn't that a bad thing when Obama became one? Anyway, times change I guess. Who could blame her? It is really cold in Alaska! It has been reported that Palin is now raking in 100,000$ dollars per speaking engagement. She brought in 7 million dollars for the book, while inking 250,000$ per episode of her new reality show. It has been estimated that she has earned over 12 million since leaving her office at the end of July 2009. Democrats, underestimate this woman at your own risk!

           While rallying Tea Party crowds, with her near constant shots at President Obama and his policies, she is speaking to the choir. Her politics can be best described as high on rhetoric and low on fresh idea's in my personal opinion. Heck, she quit two years into her term as governor. How is that for serving the people's interest? In my book that makes her a quitter. I'm thinking, if she cant handle one of the least populated states, how can she run all 50? We are talking about the same woman who can see Russia from her house. Is this really the woman we want handling our foreign policy?

           She can say she is not running for president in 2012 all she wants. It takes no genius to see where this is headed. She is in the campaign as we speak. You cant say she isn't confident though. This lady really thinks she can beat Obama. That is where the brilliance of this woman lies. You see I say she is very intelligent because she knows how to tap a very sensitive issue for White Americans much in the same way less charismatic leaders like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck attempt to do. Many feel they are losing ground in this nation, with immigration gone wild, the war on terror, and on top of that a "mysterious" Black president? They want their country back the way it was after World War 2 when the "minorities knew their place". For these people, those were the good ole days. For us, the minorities, we were ready to die for a change. It is very offensive to hear these era's spoken of with such reverence.

          I myself, as a Black man, can generally emphasize with this sentiment though. There is a underlying backlash brewing that wishes to send our nation back to a time when the White man was more secure of his place in the land. Sarah Palin is banking on the power this anger is stirring amongst older, middle aged, and  uneducated white people, targeting them much like President Obama targeted first time voters among African Americans. The changes that occurred in this country in the 60's, most I presume would say was for the better. Still if Democrats are not careful, this anger that the Tea Party is building may end up sweeping Sarah Palin right into the driver seat of the most powerful nation this world has ever known.

            There is a few rays of hope. Let's not give her the job just yet. I wonder if Sarah Palin will be ready for the backlash that comes with running for the highest office in the land. Running from interviews and dodging questions wont be an option. Neither will high pitched screams for patriotism continue to hold audiences captivated. She is going to have to give substantial answers to complex issues such as how she would handle climate change, the economy, entitlement programs, the war on terror, and balancing the budget to say a few. Yelling "I love America!" wont cut it. If she does happen to win the Republican nomination( Mitt Romney and the likes will not give in easily), she will be set to face one of the most gifted orators and politicians this country has ever produced. The debates promise to be priceless!

         So what do you think? Does she run or not? Republicans are confused. Do they put their support behind The Palin Brand or one of the recycled former presidential losers who no doubt will be at it again? None of the more polished potential Republican candidates have anywhere near the star power and following or the buzz that an announcement would bring;  so it is really a choice of style or substance. Still think she's an imbecile? She has the whole right by the(you know what!) waiting to hear her decision. That there is power my friend. Meanwhile, I hear Democrats whispering, "Run! Sarah Run!" salivating at the prospect.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nova this is an excellent article and makes you think. I agree her quitting her time as governor in Alaska I think ruins her chances at the presidency even though right now she is extremely popular.

    The thing I think that may be more dangerous. Lets say that Sarah Palin gathers all of these followers and popularity and it gets very high. Then she decides to take her followers and her influence and then use it to endorse a certain candidate conceding that she will not run and wholly backing another candidate. I think it's possible that it could be a unifying event for the base and others that have been persuaded by her simple words.

    I also like how you talked about what's happening right now in that she is able to not have difficult interviews only appearing in venues which allow her to speak without challenges. That would explain why her image is growing and how she's being magnified as more then she is.

    This is why she's in her element right now, inspiring and encouraging and endorsing these kinds of things seems to suit her better. Kind of like a prophet or a preacher who only appears and gives a Word and then disappears. It makes the words they speak seem much more significant when the person isn't really known. Also Actresses and actors say that it's better when people don't really know much about you, it makes them be able to believe in your characters that you play so much more. Meryl Streep is one that believes that. Its like you said if they can keep her from making mistakes out in front of people then her power and influence increases and the more people believe in the character and part which she is playing.

    At this point she has become so successful by doing what she is doing I think it would be a mistake by her to try and take it to the presidency, but who know's we'll see how things play themselves out.


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